Cell Phone Technology

Cell phone technology is one that had grown, improved, and advanced pretty rapidly.  As mentioned in the other posts the cell phone has become a kind of mini computer.  People use them for everything AND phone calls.  Cell phones have become gaming consoles, music players, web browsers, televisions, cameras, and in some cases even a compass.  They are the epitome of convergence, the device has managed to meld together several gadgets into one and although it has done so almost effortlessly there are limitations that require us to still own computers, playstations, and sometimes landlines.  Each of the technologies used to deliver content to the phone has a limitation that doesn’t allow the cell phone to fully function as a full sized laptop or desktop computer.  SMS, MMS, and mobile Internet, all have limitations some of which have had been compensated for with remedial technologies.  Users have used cell phone technology very creatively and sometimes unintended and even abusive uses have been adopted.

Looking at cell phone’s limitations can be a daunting task most would think that it has none but we’ve become spoiled by technology that we use and have become savvy to the way technology functions together and separately.  One of the most basic limitations of SMS is its inability to send text messages longer than 160 characters.  The limits, however, are for a reason; if messages were allowed to be longer than the networks would have a harder time sending and receiving the text messages.  MMS also has its limitations with its many compatibility issues among different model phones.  But where the limitations really come to the forefront was in the mobile Internet.  In the early days of mobile Internet it was very limited mostly to some specialized service provided by the carrier for example, I had a Nokia that had a very limited Internet service.  As technology improved so did the access to the Internet the problem was that websites weren’t formatted for phones and when viewed on a cell phone they were unformatted and mostly text based.  Today the iPhone has a full functional browser, Safari, which can load pages exactly how they appear on a laptop or computer.  The issue was that these sites were formatted for a computer screen and when viewed in a small cell phone screen it appeared very small of course the iPhone compensated with the zoom feature.  Unfortunately not all cell phones are the iPhone and their technology may not work the same way.  Another limitation some phones have is the inability to display Flash content, a program that is used to create rich and dynamic web pages.  In my opinion this is one of the most limiting aspect of the cell phone.  A lot of websites use flash and since phones like mine cannot open them I still have to turn to the computer to view certain sites.  Not having flash on the phone is a small price to pay but as mentioned before technology has spoiled us.

Websites have remedied the problems associated with websites on small cell phone screens by creating mobile sites.  These mobile sites run parallel to the full sites and are made specifically for cell phones.  They are aesthetically pleasing and fit into the screens perfectly without comprising content.  Websites have also adapted their technology to work with cell phones for example YouTube uses flash to display videos but have adapted their method to work with the iPhone.

Another problem cell phones face is the use of them while driving a dangerous distracting task.  One shouldn’t be text, browsing, or dialing using a cell phone while they are driving but unfortunately it still happens.  Legal action has been taken and still people sneak in a text or call without being caught.  The remedial technology that has been invented is Bluetooth, a technology that allows compatible devices to communicate with each other wirelessly.  There are a variety of different devices from headsets to car kits that are available to keep drivers hands on the wheel and off their cell phone.  Cars have the option of having Bluetooth technology built in to the car which allows users to scroll through contacts, make voice activated calls, and even sent text messages without even looking at the phone.  Bluetooth is probably a technology that wasn’t specifically invented for use with cell phones but became one of the most important accessories and technologies to compliment the cell phone.  Bluetooth has humanized the technology somewhat because it allows you keep your hand free of the device for other tasks, much better than holding the phone to your ear with your shoulder.  It also makes cell phone use while driving safer, even though it should be avoided.

Cell phone technology has definitely improved drastically throughout the years and there is still plenty of room for improvements that will make the medium even better.  The cell phone also doesn’t have any direct competitors instead it competitors with different devices that aren’t cell phones.  These devices have managed to converge many different types of devices such a computers, cameras, music players, DVD players; the list can go on and on.  The competitors would be the companies making just a camera, or just a music player, and maybe even companies making just a laptop.  The cell phone has managed to wrap all these different devices into one portable device.  There aren’t many if any technologies that can compete with smartphones.  For example a Nikon digital camera cannot make a phone call but then again a cell phone camera may not take the best quality pictures.  People make the compromise just to make their own lives easier, isn’t that what technology is supposed to do?  But consumers will be consumers and also tend to buy the phone and still but the camera.

Cell phone companies also compete with each other with hundreds of different phones on the market.  Some may have features that others don’t some may not be capable of certain task while others are.  It’s a constant battle of technology but the iPhone really has set the standard for all new cell phones being developed.  The touch screen, applications, iPod, camera, and Internet capabilities make it one of the most advanced phones on the market, one couldn’t expect anything less from a company that builds actual computers.  I will admit I am partial to the iPhone because I own one but most won’t argue that it is one of the best inventions of our time.  IT has managed to change the world of telecommunications altogether and it’s been on the market 3 years.  Other companies have scrambled to catch up and are just starting to gain some ground in the cell phone competition.


  1. Author unknown, SMS, Wikimedia Foundation Inc., 2010, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMS. April 28, 2010
  2. Author unknown, Multiple Messaging Service, Wikimedia Foundation Inc., 2010,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multimedia_Messaging_Service. April 28, 2010
  3. Author unknown, Answering Machine, Wikimedia Foundation Inc., 2010, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Answering_machine. April 28, 2010

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